Sabina Mason


Sabina qualified as a RGN in the UK 20 years ago. Her clinical background is in Intensive Care Nursing. During her 7 years working in Chelsea & Westminster Hospital & The Royal Brompton Hospital. Sabina worked in a surgical ICU with an interest in cardio-thoracic nursing.

Sabina works as a Critical Care Research Nurse Coordinator in Tallaght University Hospital. She believes intensive care unit (ICU) represents an ideal environment for the conduct of clinical research “improving patient-centred outcomes, should be a goal of all ICU clinical research and certainly is in Tallaght University Hospital”

In April 2020 having worked in the coalface of the pandemic, Sabina produced an End-of-Life Memoir Journal for family members, as family members they could not see, or be with their loved ones during their final journey. This memoir journal was offered to hospitals, nursing home or hospice during the pandemic. This End-of-Life Memoir Journal is currently available in The Palliative Adult Hub, All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care (AIIHPC)

Sabina & colleagues played a strategic role setting up Post Intensive Care Clinic in Tallaght Uni. Hospital in 2020 which was part of a research study titled: ‘Post-intensive care COVID survivorship clinic: a single centre experience’ a poster presentation was presented recently at The TCD Nursing Conference 2022 and the ISICEM in Brussels on the 22nd March 2022. “I feel really privileged to part of such a dynamic multidisciplinary team”

Sabina holds a BSc (Hons) In Nursing for Clinical Practice, LLB (Hons) Law, she is currently completing her Masters. She is currently a committee member for the Irish Critical Care Research Coordinators Group (ICCRCG) and newly appointed member of the Irish Research Nurses Midwives (IRNM) working committee


Working Group Member